It’s no secret on this blog that my husband Daniel and I absolutely love to travel both domestically and internationally. We did a lot of domestic traveling last year along with a trip over to London and Paris in May. We have made travel a priority in our lives, and I hope that we will always be able to do that.

(1) Top Left: Versailles, France, (2) Top Right: Annapolis, Maryland, (3) Bottom Left: Chicago, Illinois, (4) Bottom Right: Outer Banks, North Carolina
In preparation for this year, we have been saving lots and lots of frequent flyer miles and hotel points in order to make our 2015 travel wish list become a reality. I’m happy to say that I think we will be able to make it happen! Here is our dream travel plan for 2015:
Las Vegas
Daniel is attending a conference there in May, and I hope to tag along! I have never been. Honestly, I don’t know that I’m going to love it, but I feel like I need to visit at least once!
My aunt and uncle live in Lima, so we want to spend time with them for a few days and then head over to Machu Picchu. I’ve been to Peru for a summer mission trip before and have actually spent quite some time in various parts of South America, but Daniel has never been to South America. I can’t wait for him to experience it.
Germany & Austria
Our flights are actually already booked for this one because we found an incredible award redemption price for it. I cannot wait to explore the Christmas markets and experience an area of the world I have never been!
My family will be traveling to London after Christmas to see my brother’s marching band in a parade. Daniel and I really hope to join them for this experience!
Those are our plans! I know it is a bit ambitious, but as I said, I think we can swing it with our points and miles. We actually hope to add in a couple of weekend trips to visit friends in different states and explore other towns in Texas as well, but we will plan those as they come throughout the year.
Do you have any fun trips planned for 2015?