Welcome to my Scenes From the Week series! In these posts, I share the highlights from my previous week ranging from the simple, everyday things to the more memorable events. One of the primary reasons that I blog is to keep a scrapbook that I can look back on in the future, and these posts help serve that purpose.
Nesting Week was mostly a success! I was able to do lots of reading, new year planning, and closet cleaning. There were, of course, plenty of things I had planned to do that I wasn’t able to get to, but that’s okay. The terrible cold I had before came back in full force on Friday morning, just in time for Heather and Cody’s weekend visit. Heather and Cody are some of our very best friends from college, so I was pretty bummed to be sick while they were here. We made the most of it and had an enjoyable, relaxing weekend together. They left this morning, and I’m already missing them! 🙁
Photos from the week, top left to bottom right:
(1) Using the KonMari Method from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I did a clear out of my clothing in my drawers and closet. It’s amazing how, even though we have moved five times during the nearly seven years of our marriage, I still managed to fill up four large trash bags of donations and one large trash bag of trash. And that is just clothing (my clothing – I did not even touch my husband’s). I also used the author’s method of folding to put things back into my drawers, and I’ve never had such beautifully organized drawers before! I’d like to use her method to continue clearing out various items in my home before Baby Boy arrives.
(2) This picture shows where I was most of the week when I wasn’t sick in bed, spending time with Heather and Cody, or cleaning out my closet. I spent lots of time on the couch reading and planning, in yoga pants with no makeup, and with a furry little acrobat by my side. 🙂 I’m actually meal planning in this picture.
(3) After church and lunch on Sunday, we took Heather and Cody for a quick walk up Mt. Bonnell for a nice view of Lake Austin and the surrounding beautiful homes and hill country. We got this great photo of them while we were up there!
(4) Daniel received the board game The Castles of Burgundy for Christmas this year, and he has claimed that it is now his favorite game. I’m not a huge board game fan, so I had been putting off playing it with him until this weekend. I ended up playing a couple rounds of the game with him, Heather, and Cody on Sunday. After getting the hang of a specific strategy, I had a great time playing! If you like board games similar to Settlers of Catan, I think you will like this one.
Not Pictured:
- Reading and loving Anne Bogel’s book Reading People: How Seeing the World through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything. I honestly did not expect to love this book, but I ended up giving it five stars on Goodreads, which is a rare occurrence for me. I love how Anne provides a nice summary of several of the major personality assessments. I’ve been fascinated about personalities and learning how different types interact with each other (in both healthy and unhealthy ways), but I’ve put off reading many books on them because the amount of material out there is overwhelming. Anne gives great summaries as well as a wonderful list of references for further learning in the back of the book. I’m looking forward to diving more into the Enneagram and the five love languages. (P.S. I’m playing with the idea of writing about what books I read each month and my thoughts. I don’t feel that I do a great job describing books, but I could try and do my best! Any thoughts?)
- Going to spin class three times this week. I love going to Define Fitness here in my apartment building. SUCH a great, motivating workout!
- Taking Heather and Cody to the gorgeous new Downtown Austin library, Terry Black’s BBQ (along with our friends John and Amber!), and Ramen Tatsu-ya.
- Cracking open the Annie’s Organic Cinnamon Rolls for our Saturday morning breakfast. Holy moly, those were the best cinnamon rolls from a can I’ve ever had! Yum!
I hope that everyone has a great week!
Click here to see all of my Scenes From the Week posts. I’m linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for the Weekending link-up!
{Thanks for reading! Want to know a little more about me? I’m a CPA learning how to balance a career with frequent travel while planting roots at home in Austin, TX. When I’m not exploring my home city with my husband Daniel or cuddling with our chubby orange cat Banana, I’m probably planning, packing, traveling to, or daydreaming about our next adventure. After all, my travel mug collection is never complete. If you have wanderlust too, be sure to follow me on Instagram (and InstaStories!), Pinterest, and Facebook, or subscribe to my blog!}