New Year, New Decade, Fresh Start! While there is nothing magical about January 1st, there is a certain energy about it that motivates me to make some changes or create an action plan to make things happen. Back in January 2018, I tried (and failed) to use Lara Casey’s PowerSheets for goal planning. That year,… continue reading
5 Steps to Booking the Best Place to Stay | Travel Prep Series
{This is a repost from my blog archives. I wrote this in 2016 – most all of the tips here are consistent with how we book hotels today, even though our life is very different.} Welcome to the third part of my Travel Prep Series! As mentioned in my previous travel prep posts, after traveling often over… continue reading
9 Steps to Booking the Best Flight | Travel Prep Series
{This is a repost from my blog archives. I wrote this in 2016 – most all of the tips here are consistent with how we book flights today, even though our life is very different.} Welcome to the second part of my Travel Prep Series! As mentioned in my previous travel prep post, after traveling often over the… continue reading
8 Steps to Planning the Perfect Itinerary | Travel Prep Series
Welcome to the fourth part of my Travel Prep Series! As mentioned in my previous travel prep posts, after traveling often over the past few years, I feel like I now have a solid strategy in place for planning a trip, and I’m excited to share that with you! None of these tips are life-changing. They are just… continue reading
February Goals
Oh, January, where did you go? You were so busy, but I somehow managed to do pretty well on my goals! January Review Read the current SheReadsTruth plan and journal every single morning. I read through the whole John study, and I’ve started the Esther study. I’m hoping this will be a daily habit that I never break…. continue reading
Travel With Me // London – Planning & Other Recommendations
Today, I bring you the third and final post in my series on our trip to London this past May! This post will be much shorter than the other two. I just wanted to have a place where I could share how we planned our trip and any tips and tricks that we picked up on along the way. I won’t get into the details of our trip in this post, but if you are interested in seeing detailed information about what we did in London,… continue reading
Weekly Wishes #3
It’s that time again! I’m really enjoying having Monday nights to plan out what I want to make sure I accomplish for the rest of the week. It really helps me use any free evenings at home and my weekends wisely. Starting this week, I’m going to begin these posts by taking a look back… continue reading
My Goals for 2014
Happy 2nd day of the New Year! I thought I would take the time to share some of my goals I’ve set for myself for 2014, so I’m linking up with Victoria at the Creative Home Keeper with her “New Year… New Purpose” link up. I’m not one to beat myself up too much when I… continue reading